PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) method, also known as Deming cycle, refers to the idea of continuous improvement and is the basis of UNI EN ISO 50001: the international Standard of reference for the development of systems, for evolution of current and future industry in the energy and production areas.

Determining which industrial process factors can be improved and at the same time have the highest profitability index represents a crucial choice that must be supported with precise and punctual validation tools.

These strategies are not limited to a single operation, but oriented to future development, according to targets of Industry 4.0, IT, circular economy and environment protection, with reduction of CO2 emissions and carbon footprint of products.

ConsulTecnic offers a tested, scalable, upgradable system, interfaceable with the IT platform of the production site and accessible from a web portal that can be remotely viewed. The system is complete with baselines, alarms, direct control and quick intervention tools, which are essential to guarantee continuity and avoid plant downtime.